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石晓宇 Stephen Russell 朱晶晶 20136
This guidance and associated spreadsheets have been prepared with a high degree of expertise and
professionalism, and it is believed that the Spreadsheets provide a useful and accurate approach for cal-
culating greenhouse gas emissions. However, the organizations involved in their development, including
WRI, WBCSD, and any other organization involved, collectively and individually, do not warrant these
Spreadsheets for any purpose, nor do they make any representations regarding their tness for any use or
purpose whatsoever. Each User agrees to decide if, when and how to use the Spreadsheets, and does so
at his or her sole risk. When using the tools provided on the GHG Protocol website, you agree that you are
not entitled to rely on any information generated using these worksheets. You further agree to hold WRI,
WBCSD, and any of their partners in the creation of the tools, harmless for loss you might suer arising out
of: any inaccuracies in numbers generated by the worksheets or variation between predictions and your
actual results. Under no circumstances shall WRI, WBCSD, or any of their partners that helped create the
tools, be liable for any damages, including incidental, special or consequential damages, arising from the
use of these Spreadsheets or an inability to use them.
If you distribute these tools through any means other than the GHG Protocol website at www.ghg-
protocol.org, you should check the website to ensure the tool being provided is the latest version avail-
able, and provide information to users on how to check for updates and revisions to the tools.
This study is made possible by the
generous support of the American
people through the United States
Agency for International Develop-
ment (USAID). The contents are the
responsibility of World Resources
Institute and do not necessarily
reect the views of USAID or the
United States Government.
with support from:
意!首先,我们大力感谢下列来自电厂、电力公司、研究所等国内外机构的专家、学者 (按姓氏拼音排名),他们
写 ,亦 World Resources Institute)诸 多 领 和 专 家 的 大 力支 持 和 指
在此特别向科与研究副主Janet Ranganathan国区前首席代骥、现任首席代表李来来、现任副首席
、温 气 体 算 体 系 Pankaj Bahtia、出 版 总 监 Hyacinth Billings以及宋然平房伟权杨爱伦雷红
鹏、David RichNeelam SinghMary SotosStacy Kotorac等同事表示诚挚的谢意。实习生张雯、于洋在项
我们要感谢美国国际开发署United States Agency for International Development、美 铝 Al-
coa Foundation、通 电 气 GE Foundation、德 构 ( Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale
Chapman, David Xcel Energy 林明彻 美国自然资源保护委员会(中国项目)
Davis, Paul Platte River Power Authority 李莹 中国水利电力物资有限公司
Diem, Art US Environmental Protection Agency 刘小燕 广东粤华发电有限责任公司(广州黄埔发电厂)
Foran, Peggy The Climate Registry 潘丽 中国电力企业联合会
Langefeld, Lars Federal Environmental Agency
German Emissions Trading Authority
钱国强 北京中创碳投科技有限公司
石丽娜 中国电力企业联合会
Qian, Song The University of Toledo 舒泽平 中国华电集团公司
Robyn, Camp The Climate Registry 许月阳 国电科学技术研究院
Schreifels, Jeremy US Environmental Protection Agency 邢德山 中国电力企业联合会
Vollaro, Bob US Environmental Protection Agency 杨建国 浙江大学能源清洁利用国家重点实验室
陈谋万 广东省粤电集团有限公司沙角C电厂 叶果 广东省粤电集团有限公司
储炳南 京能集团 徐伟嘉 中山大学先进技术研究院
代世峰 中国矿业大学 施永健 华能南通电厂
胡敏 能源基金会 曾德勇 中国华能集团公司
林翎 中国标准化研究院 朱松丽 国家发展和改革委员会能源研究所
李芳 神华国华北京热电分公司 赵光耀 广东电力发展股份有限公司沙角A电厂
李莉 中国科学院广州能源研究所能源战略研究中心 邹骥 国家应对气候变化战略研究和国际合作中心
李宗哲 必维国际检验集团 张武英 中山大学先进技术研究院
李承军 广东省粤电集团有限公司 张瑞坤 神华国华国际电力股份有限公司北京热电分公司
李立勋 中国华能集团公司安全部


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